Transmission to Sirius
We have embarked upon a series of events that even Rod Serling could not have imagined. The mass consciousness of earthbound dwellers has hit its peak, and change is inevitable. That default path that has been chosen for centuries, and the programmed beliefs impressed upon the populace, are finally being extinguished. Operation Metamorphosis has begun.
Pandemic (2016)
Residents of earth are finally breaking through and discovering that there is indeed a new way of living. No longer will they accept the scenario of no choice or adhere to the idea of blending in whenever possible. The energy of freedom and sovereignty is overflowing through every cell of every being on this planet.
Bird Box (2018)
Meteor (2009)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
The curtains are finally parting; the clues laid out for decades before the masses are becoming more transparent. For many years, the plan of the negative forces have been thrust before human eyes under the guise of entertainment. Unbeknownst to all, the human entertainment industry has “slipped in” Armageddon scenarios into the context of various movies, television programs, video games and commercials in order to make use of the natural creative abilities that all beings possess on this planet. The negative ones encouraged these innocent minds to create a “hell on earth”. Believing that the longer they dwell on these thoughts and then embrace them, the greater the buildup of energy to produce that outcome in the mass reality.
Let’s take one example; a recently produced commercial for
The story line involves Satan’s desire for companionship. He receives a match notification on his profile: a human female who exemplifies the events that took place the year before in 2020 earth time. A succession of images follow; his new mate absconding with rolls of toilet paper from a public bathroom; dating in a world devoid of people since everyone has been locked down in their homes; a selfie moment in front of a bin full of burning trash. All of these images exemplary of the human experience from this past 2020. The final shot of this commercial is of our love birds looking out together on a world being attacked from an unknown source from out of the skies. A foreboding image of an outcome where their desire to keep the events of last year going and going.
The human race has been fed these examples of annihilation many times over but it has only recently become an obvious ploy. What do these destructive forces get out of it though? This deserves further investigation. All that I can give you now as an overview, installed as your eyes on humanity here on the earth plane, is that the negative factions possess an unquenchable need for control, power, and to own others as puppets. A scenario much more desirous and engaging than allowing the people of earth free reign over their own lives. The lowering of the vibrational frequency for the human race will keep all tied to the earth experience, never allowing anyone to connect with or even remember that they are in fact spirit, energetic beings. Creators in their own right. A slavish humanity for a world that has fallen, and all with it.
Signing off on this transmission. Will resume “at another time”, as they say here on earth.
Your ever faithful planetary observer.
Transmission out!